Monday, September 07, 2009

Almost Inferno

Is it Tuesday already?

I'm not Catholic, but I do believe in purgatory--because I've experienced it. You see, Hell is complete separation from God--darkness and isolation forever. Purgatory is actually here on earth. Purgatory is a place of confusion, impossibly large crowds, and a labyrinth of merchandise which is impossible to maneuver your way out of unless you have many, many people praying for your soul.

Purgatory is Ikea, Wal Mart, Olympia's Lakefair, and New York City on the hottest day of the summer when the sewer stench hangs in the air above the mobs.

I'd like to make a vow never to cross the threshold of Ikea again, but I can't. I know I'll go back for more cheap, easily destructible wares when I can't afford to buy the charming antiques I really want.

Do you remember "The Land Before Time"? The family I live with was watching it for the first time tonight (Margot/Mom had already seen it, but not Rob/Dad and the girls).

Why is it that the older we get, the more idyllic our childhood becomes?

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