Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Autumn: The Rest of the Year

August is not finished, summer isn't over,
but my feet are cold.
My feet were cold yesterday
and Monday.
Tonight I could smell the cold when I went out to my car;
I could smell the leaves turning yellow,
just on the edges, like gilt pages in a Bible.

Soon I'll be wearing a long white coat
and I'll wrap my neck in a red knit scarf
and I'll tote a polka dot umbrella wherever I walk.
I'll buy some slippers for my cold feet
because socks just aren't good enough.

I'm going to visit my mother on weekends,
drink tea and watch the rain from a quiet couch.
My brothers and I will eat turkey, probably,
and stuffing, definitely, on November 27.
And perhaps for Christmas, we'll all be together
in the firelit cabin on the hill with my Aunt Tina,
who smells like coffee and roses
and whose kitchen smells like coffee and roses.


Utzy said...

Wow. That description touches my heart. I teared up at reading it. Thank you.

Dena said...

it's a dream of mine to have my nieces and nephews to remember me smelling like coffee and roses. how did you know?

missing you come over again. :)

Jake Gamble said...

Mrs. Winterhalter,
Can you teach me to write? I'd love to take your brit lit're the best teacher ever.

Also, will you be a part of a phone tree to notify children about cancelled days of school?

Angel said...

Don't you just love Autumn? It all feels and sounds sooo good!! I love being toasty in my home! I love fall scented candles, warming up the house with fresh baked bread, wearing slippers, crispness in the air....oh I am soooo ready for fall!

the blarney stone said...

Yes. More poemses.